Posts Tagged "holidays"
Eolie News
- Revoca ordinanza del 1999 riguardante il parcheggio dei natanti sul marciapiede lato mare della banchina di Canneto
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- Il #pensiero di Don Bernardino Giordano: La neve
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- C.S. Lipari: Una storia a tinte rosso- blu. Milazzo - C.S. Lipari = 0 -2 (1 novembre 65).
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- Tanti auguri!
- Bagnamare, si stacca grosso masso. Tragedia sfiorata, coinvolta una giovane automobilista
- Oggi: San Saba Archimandrita
- Eolienews, l'informazione a portata di click....in tempo reale
- Buongiorno...così! (Foto. Andrea Grano)
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General information on the Aeolian Islands
Jan 29th, 2013
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HISTORY History The Aeolian islands were populated at the beginning of the fourth millennium BC from people coming from Sicily, pushed from the immense economic resource offering from obsidian erupted from the volcano of Mount Pelato. The obsidian, a volcanic glass cutting black, was sought when they had spread the metalworking and formed the basis […] ... Continue Reading →